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About Art Advisory Bank
Art Advisory Bank was established in 2000 and was the first organization in Japan to advocate the “Fair Market Value” assessment to the Japanese market.
When we first proposed this new concept, we were met with some surprise from the Japanese art industry.
For more than 20 years since, we have provided art valuation services for embassies,public offices, auditing firms, insurance companies, and financial institutions.
We have also worked for national and international museums and collectors.
We also receive requests from foreign museums and collectors for important Japanese antiques and Western art in Japan, and act as an agent and provide negotiation services on their behalf.
Through these operations, we have established our social credibility and reputation.
We are delighted to know that the concept of “Fair Market Value” is now widely accepted in the Japanese art industry.
We look forward to assisting you in finding valuable artwork in Japan.

Please contact us by e-mail, fax or form below.

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